was asked to this 100 things thingy.
i was confident enough to say there’s a 1001 things but… on second thoughts… hahah

we’ll see. here goes.

  1. get married
  2. bring friends and family to christ
  3. be a good dad
  4. be a good brother.
  5. get a job i’ll love and will make lots of money
  6. have 2 houses, one in the city, one near the seaside.
  7. take nice pictures to the extend people would buy them.
  8. able to bring strangers to Christ
  9. travel around the world.
  10. hold a yacht party for my friends
  11. own a set of awesome drums
  12. have a room thats dedictated to music instruments and music only
  13. own a super duper computer!
  14. have a movie room
  15. get my body into a tip top fit shape.
  16. able to see my great grand children
  17. able to learn more than 4 languages.
  18. able to communicate with in Cantonese, Chinese and Japanese properly
  19. own a photo studio
  20. ride all the roller coasters in the world
  21. overcome my fear of darkness
  22. able to watch a horrorfic film without being scared before and after the film.
  23. able to wake up at unearthly hours without anyone’s help in waking me up
  24. able to climb a mountain not in singapore
  25. overcome my fear of heights.
  26. restrain myself from anger and from saying vulgarities
  27. learn how to sing and play the piano
  28. live in a foreign country for at least a year
  29. live in a foreign country with poor conditions for a year
  30. able to meet up with my secondary school classmates annually
  31. able to find my kindergarten friends
  32. lead a healthy lifestyle
  33. master drums
  34. master guitar
  35. able to ask a girl out without hesitations
  36. own many many lens for my camera
  37. own many many cameras
  38. bring my family out to a 10 course dinner at a posh restuarant
  39. cherish my friends
  40. be the friend who everyone needs
  41. drive a tank
  42. play all the sports in the world
  43. make a slam dunk
  44. get drunk and not puke
  45. sing on stage infront of thousands of people for God
  46. jam with my friends
  47. compose songs
  48. compose instrumentals
  49. make an impact in someone’s life
  50. complete this 100 things 5 yrs later (hope i remember)
  51. stop making my friends upset
  52. travel the world
  53. eat all the exotic food in the world
  54. drink the many alcohols in the world
  55. drive a limo
  56. own a limo
  57. own a walk-in wardrobe
  58. make a cd
  59. hope it sells
  60. not cry in a sad film
  61. hug all my friends
  62. meet all my friends for dinner at least once
  63. learn dancing
  64. be a testimony in someone’s life
  65. speak proper English
  66. master bass guitar
  67. learn how to play the piano
  68. know how to cook some dishes
  69. act in a film
  70. plan and host a party
  71. play guitar in a public place infront of people i don’t know
  72. camp in a forest for about a week
  73. learn how to fish
  74. make a movie
  75. act in a movie with friends
  76. be part of a big time animation studio
  77. bungee jump!
  78. sky dive!
  79. scuba dive!
  80. take pictures underwater
  81. do photoshoots for famous people
  82. drive a boat
  83. own a dog
  84. own cat
  85. book an entire cinema for my friends
  86. own a mini gym
  87. own a smart phone
  88. own many many polaroid films
  89. cook dinner for my friends
  90. cook dinner for my family
  91. save someone from distress
  92. run marathon
  93. heck it do a triathalon
  94. dress my kids up to go to school
  95. watch an official tennis match live
  96. ride on an helicopter
  97. drive at least 3 super low sport cars anywhere
  98. do insane sports like dirt racing
  99. design some thing really cool
  100. fly a plane